Immigration to Australia
Frustration, confusion, expense; these are words usually associated with immigration. It doesn't need to be this way though, as the J&J professionals will gladly assist you throughout the whole process to ensure a safe and successful immigration to Australia with the visa best suited for your specific situation. We will assist you in achieving your immigration goals through knowledgeable advice on which visa to apply for, lodging your application, assisting you with drafting your documents and your points test, providing clear evidence, collaborating with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship and monitoring the progress of your application. We will also gladly provide you with general advice to help you settle in such as where to obtain a driver's licence, how to search for jobs, the best places to stay and how to apply for a Tax File Number.
Here you can find all services in one place:
- 186: Employer Nominated Permanent Resident (雇主担保移民签证)
- 187: Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (边远地区雇主担保移民签证)
- 189: Skilled Independent visa (独立技术移民签证)
- 573: Higher Education Sector visa (授课类高等教育签证)
- 574: Postgraduate Research Sector visa (研究类学习签证)
- 571: Schools Sector visa (中学生签证)
- 570: Independent ELICOS Sector visa (语言学习签证)
- 580: Student Guardian visa (陪读签证)
- 485: Temporary Graduate visa (毕业生临时签证)
- 457: Work Visa (雇主担保工作签证)
- 173: Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (贡献类临时父母签证)
- 143: Contributory Parent visa (贡献类境外父母签证)
- 864: Contributory Aged Parent visa (年老父母贡献类签证)
- 103: Parent Visa 非贡献类父母签证
- 820/801: Partner visa (境内配偶签证)
- 309/100: Partner visa (境外配偶签证)
- 300: (未婚夫/妻签证)
- MRT (各类签证上诉)