820/801 Partner visa 境内配偶签证
The temporary Partner visa (subclass 820) allows you to live in Australia if you are the spouse or de facto partner of:
820/801 配偶签证允许你在澳大利亚生活如果你的配偶是:
The temporary Partner visa (subclass 820) is the first stage towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 801). You must be in Australia when you apply and also when this visa is decided.
What this visa lets you do
The temporary Partner visa (subclass 820) lets you:
820 配偶签证持有者可以:
You can include your dependent children in your application, but not other dependent relatives (unless you hold or held a Prospective Marriage visa). Dependent applicants must be in Australia when they apply.
If you are later granted a permanent visa, you can:
309/100 Partner visa 境外配偶签证
The temporary Partner visa (subclass 309) allows you to live in Australia if you are the spouse or de facto partner of:
309/100 配偶签证允许你在澳大利亚生活如果你的配偶是:
The temporary Partner visa (subclass 309) is the first stage towards a permanent Partner visa (subclass 100). You must be in Australia when you apply and also when this visa is decided.
What this visa lets you do:
The temporary Partner visa (subclass 309) lets you:
309 配偶签证持有者可以:
You can include your dependent children in your application 子女可以包括在签证申请中 If you are later granted a permanent visa, you can: 永居签证批签后,你可以:
300 未婚夫/妻签证
The Prospective Marriage visa (subclass 300) is for people who want to come to Australia to marry their prospective spouse.
It is a temporary visa for nine months. You must be outside Australia when you lodge your application and when the visa is granted. You can have the wedding in any country: the wedding does not need to be in Australia.
适用于打算去澳洲与未婚夫或未婚妻结婚并且准备与其维持长期的婚姻关系的申请人。一旦签证获批,申请人将获得9个月的临时居留签证,申请人必须在这9个月内与担保人在澳洲登记结婚;结婚后可以申请配偶签证,一旦签证获批,申请人便获得2年的 820 or 309 临时居留签证;2年后,申请人将再次接受永久居留签证法规的评估。评估通过后,会获得 801 or 100 配偶类永久签证。
143 Contributory Parent visa 贡献类境外父母签证
173 Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa 贡献类临时父母签证
864 Contributory Aged Parent visa 年老父母贡献类签证
103 Parent Visa 非贡献类父母签证
The Parent visa lets parents live permanently in Australia if they have a child who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who is settled in Australia. Most applicants need to be sponsored by their child. Your sponsor needs to have lived lawfully in Australia for the two years before the application is lodged. You can lodge an application for this visa in or outside Australia. If you are in Australia, you can apply only if your temporary visa allows you to apply for another visa while you are in Australia.